Sunday, August 21, 2011

Preview of my 1/3-LIFE CRISIS OPUS!

As I approach 30, I realize it's time for a milestone in my life. So I've spent the last year laboring over a 215-page beast that is soon to be serialized on new website (domain not yet purchased). Here's a preview of the first few pages - enjoy!


Laura Serafine said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA LOVE it!! "Any way we have a murderous rage to deal with"

Jason Poland said...

So glad you posted this preview. PHEW.

All this talk about your SECRET project and not being able to see what it was about was going to send ME into a murderous rage.

This will tide me over until the next rage wave.

telfurious said...

Copies of this book come with free Easter-egg full of PCP.