Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Well, I hate to follow a complaint post with another, but this deserves mention.

Surely, if you are a comic fan, you at least know the name Will Eisner. He's one of the genre's champion pioneers, so much so that the highest award in the industry is named after him. Perhaps one of his best qualities is his understanding of the human spirit and of the situation of the general downtrodden everyman.

Recently I checked out from my local library The Name of the Game, one of Eisner's later works. I was disgusted to find that some Christian censorship nut had gone through and scribbled out the word "God" from in front of all the "Goddamn"s and replaced it with "Goodness" in all the "For God's sake"s. I was livid with anger. How could some jerk think he or she was improving this comic by imposing visual censorship on it? As if we wouldn't know what was underneath the scribbles! I noticed none of the exposed breasts were covered; none of the other swear words scratched out; no act of violence hidden. Nope — just instances where Commandment 3 was broken.

At least in this last one (which chronologically is the first one) someone had the nerve to right the situation.

Anyway, I'm still pretty riled up about all this. But c'est la vie, no?