Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Texas Comicon 2010 Recap

So I've tabled at three comic conventions now, and I think I'm getting the hang of how this works. There seem to be two main types - artist cons, and collector cons. Texas Comicon was a collector's con. Lots of toys. Toys and toys and more toys. Nothing but creepy dudes with arms-full of G.I. Joes. Blah.

Needless to say, I didn't make half of what I did at Staple. There was just a complete lack of indie kids and a glut of sweaty, hunch-backed, toy-hoarding hermits.

Thankfully, I got to sit at the cool kids' table. To my left were three talented lady-types. Jessica Correa, Amanda Coronado, and Jerrie Goto; and to my right was the equally phenomenal Mark Nasso. We all traded goodies, so I came home with a bag of lovely prints and a shiny new TPB.

Friday was a complete bust - practically no one showed up. Saturday was good, though. My pappy and my brudder came along for the ride. I sold enough to cover the cost of goods and transportation. I skipped Sunday to have some Father's Day fun. I'll probably go back next year, but I'll be a little better prepared for what's in store.


Unknown said...

Hi! I bought your "Grackle" book on Saturday, and I absolutely adore it. I like how you took something ordinary and what we see all the time and made a sweet story about it.

I'm a little confused on how Penelope killed her dad. Did she peck him to death? :O

ChrisDecaf said...

She most certainly did. Thanks for posting - it's always nice to hear from a new fan!